mboajob app – la vie au mboa, le travail au mboa

We are in 2017, and Cameroon is still one of the African countries with large youth unemployment. The formal sector is not hiring as quick as possible and sometimes the skills set of candidates don’t match the openings. Informal sector remains then the first entry point in the work life. we at ncscameroon.com believe in the digital era. we also recognise that there are more and more mobiles phones in Africa, also in cameroon. Therefore, Read more about mboajob app – la vie au mboa, le travail au mboa[…]

startup event – slush16 meaning for African startups ?

  slush16 – Helsinki Nov 30 – Dec 1 Europe’s leading startup event, Nov 30–Dec 1 in Helsinki. Slush connects startups & tech talent with top-tier international investors, executives and media just ended. We experience 2 days of talks, speechs and presentations of ideas that will shape the future of man kind. Slush is the focal point for startups and tech talent to meet with top-tier international investors, executives, and media. In 2015, Slush brought together Read more about startup event – slush16 meaning for African startups ?[…]

Can digital era transform Africa?

Chez ncscameroon. Nous croyons fermement que ces secteurs connaîtront une forte croissance d’ici à 2025 – Lisez ci-dessous pour comprendre pourquoi et rejoignez-nous pour que cette réaliser cette vision. Services financiers. L’Internet permettra de réduire les coûts de transaction et d’apporter des services financiers aux personnes qui vivent loin de la succursale bancaire ou de l’ATM. Avec la technologie numérique, plus de 60 pour cent des Africains pourraient avoir accès aux services bancaires d’ici 2025, Read more about Can digital era transform Africa?[…]